November 1, 2009

Pickled tacos

I've had a hard time locating empanada shells around D.C., striking out at both at the Whole Foods on P Street and the Giant by the Columbia Heights Metro stop. (Truthfully, I couldn't even find an employee who had heard of an empanada at either market.) Hunting down fresh tortillas, on the other hand, is a good deal easier. Today, for my black bean tacos, I bought a stack of white corn tortillas from Delicias Market (3702 14th St. NW, by Spring Rd.), where I also picked up some fabulously pickled vegetables ($3.99 for a tall jar), including chopped cabbage, onions, carrots and jalapeño bottled in Virginia. I sauteed onions, cooked up yellow rice and frozen peas, sprinkled on top a bit of cilantro and added fresh salsa (including diced cucumber) from Giant and a bit of Sriracha hot chili sauce.